Data privacy is really important to us and our products. Therefore we try to make the whole process of dataprocessing visible to our users.

This privacy policy gives you an holistic overview about what data we store and who is involved in processing it.


This service is operated by Tobias Sell / if you have any further questions or inquiry about data privacy, contact us at

Contact Information:
Tobias Sell
Helene-Engelbrecht Str.21
38124 Braunschweig\

GENERAL takes the protection of your personal data very seriously and strictly adheres to the rules of the data protection laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Telemedia Act and the data protection regulations of the European Union (hereinafter: “data protection regulations”). timeowl has obligated its employees accordingly to comply with the data protection requirements.

The following declaration gives you an overview of how ensures this protection and what kind of data is collected for what purpose.


Parts of the service of such as the website or support micropages can be visited without any authentication or sharing persional informations.

In order to protect our infrastructure and identify potential threats and failures, the following data is collected anonymously on the server side and stored for a period of 7 days.

  • Requested Part of the website
  • Date / Time
  • Size of the requested item (Traffic)
  • Used Hardware (Browserversion, Operatinng System)
  • IP-Address

The collection of this data is mandatory for the correct and safe delivery of our services.


According to the General Data Protection Regulation, personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter “data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; tries to limit the collection of personal data to the most necessary. A user can voluntarily provide additional data via the settings to help further improve the service.

The following data is beeing stored in our infrastructure for every registered user:

  • Name of the user
  • Email-Address
  • Date of registration and last login
  • Google-Calendar that are enabled for syncing (and only those)
  • Calendar-Items that include a hashtag (and only those)


All users are being asked to “donate” further informations. This helps us to improve the project.

Options are:


With this setting, no further data is beeing collected.


With the typical setting enabled. Google Analytics is used to track every pageload and onpage events. This helps us to identify unused features or insights about what options users prefer.

We are using those informations to priorize the items on your roadmap.


With this setting, we take a full recording of the user sessions with HOTJAR. Most private Informations are blured out in this process. We are able to see, how you navigate through the product.

Access to these recordings is limited to a few internal data analysts and all are subject to confidentiality.

THIRD PARTIES ON DATA PROCESSING is not able to solve all technical parts of the solution internaly, therefore we have various partners who process these.


All User-Related Data and Credentials are stored on servers in Germany.

Our Webhosting Partner is ALL-INKL.COM

  • Calendar-Itemes and Tracking Informations processed by MongoDB, Inc
    • MongoDB, Inc is using servers located soly in Germany on Google Cloud.
  • Live-Sync is using – Serverlocation within europe.

Tracking informations (if enabled) are tracked and stored on Systems of

  • Google (Google Analytics)
  • HotJar